Friday, December 30, 2011

Can we make a difference?

So, to recap - we're on an adventure to experience World Vision's work first hand in Swaziland. I've shared what I've learned about this country and the issues they face. I also shared some comparatives with Austin. Locally and globally the issues of education, health, basic needs and economic opportunity are important.  The problems are complex - larger than any one of us can solve by ourselves.

So - how can we, as individuals, impact such huge issues? It will take people who are willing to live a life beyond themselves.  People who understand Kingdom priorities, Kingdom principles. People who, like Jesus, give. Give of their time, their talent and their treasure. But that's Kingdom living, right? Freely you have received, freely give.

Here is some interesting information on Christian giving as found at Generous Giving.

  • Around the world, the total annual income of Christians who are committed to the Great Commission is $6.8 trillion. In the U.S. alone, that figure is over $2.6 trillion.
  • Over the last 10 years, income has increased about 20% while giving has decreased almost 50%. 
  • Church goers only give about 2.5% of their income.
  • According to the Borgen Project, spending $19 billion per year between now and 2015 could potentially eliminate global starvation and malnutrition. Another $12 billion per year over that same time period could provide education for every child on earth. And an additional $15 billion each year could provide universal access to clean water and sanitation.

That last fact gets to me.  Is that even doable?   As stated on Generous Giving: If Churches were willing to give 10% of their income and and dedicate 60% of that to international missions, there would be $98.4 billion available for the international church and $32.8 billion for domestic missions.

So I would say YES! It is feasible for us - together - to make a difference even to the ends of the earth. It just takes a change in our giving habits.  What if we truly believed and adhered to the Kingdom principle: Give and it shall be given to you?  

Completely anti-logical, completely the way of God.

Click here to learn more about Christian giving.

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