Friday, January 6, 2012

And We're Off!

The day has come. We have met, we have planned, we have packed and now it's time to go.  There is a small contingent already in Swaziland making final arrangements before the Austin group arrives.  One of them sent this picture she took from the window of the plane as they were arriving.   

We have learned that our access to the internet may be limited while we are there, so my posts might be intermittent.  My goal is to share what I learn as often as I can.  In the meantime, the World Vision team will also be giving daily updates at:  People of Austin: Meet Swaziland!    I have included a link to the right as well.

I guess all that's left at this point is the 14 hour flight to Johannesburg (not excited about that), and then arriving on site Sunday.  

As I leave, I hold close the thoughts expressed by David in Psalm 25: 4,5: Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

It is amazing to me, that we have a relationship with a God that is so big that time and circumstance are nonexistent for him, so powerful that his breath creates worlds and yet so willing to invest in us individually.  Reaching across eternity through His word to give us peace that He is involved in our lives and ensure us He wants to help us understand Him and His ways moment by moment.  That is a mind-blowing, awe inspiring God. 


  1. How exciting! Praying for you dear! Knowing that God will bless you and use you in great ways!
