Tuesday, January 10, 2012


The flight was uneventful from Atlanta to Johannesburg.  I'm personally very glad about that having had some weird flying experiences.  We spent the night In 'Jo'burg' and the hotel we stayed in was very nice.  It had wifi, great coffee, AC and hot water.  What more could one want after being on a 14 hour flight?

 I am now sitting on a plane that holds 55 people (those of you who know me well - I can feel your prayers!) headed to Manzini.

There have been a few times during the trip that I have felt like an awkward, inexperienced traveller,  but for the most part I have been enjoying all the people I have seen from all the countries of the world.   What I love about humanity is that even though we may be separated into groups by linguistic and cultural differences, we have a lot in common.  We all laugh when we are tickled, we cry when we are sad or scare.  While waiting in line for immigration, a young lady standing beside us burst into tears.  She just realized she missed her connecting flight and wasn't sure what to do.  She was scared and alone and and, just like my kids, needing someone to tell her it was going to be okay.  That's not an American thing or an African thing.  It's a human thing.  

A lot of the issues that World Vision is raising awareness of are the same.  Things like hunger, clean water, good medical care aren't foreign issues, their human issues.   

Christians are called to show compassion and sensitivity to the needs of those around us.  As a result of this exhortation to "love our neighbors", we have the opportunity to engage with human issues at a local and global level.   What is the  human issue that resonates with you and how do you see getting involved?    

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